Why Every Fitness Business Needs a Valuable Opt-In Page on Their Website

Offering a 'Taste Test' to customers
to gain their trust

A quick marketing quiz for you… Consider your current fitness business website. When potential customers land on your site for the first time, is their ONLY option to either (a) take the big step into buying something from you now or (b) come back to you when they are ready to buy? How about the folks that want to get to know you before taking the leap to purchasing? Many shoppers simply want to discover more details about your brand, learn your personality and ‘taste test’ your products and services. For these customers, your job is to share information with them in order to gain their trust and prove that you have valuable products and services which would perfectly meet their needs.

An opt-in page is an excellent way for you to allow potential clients the opportunity to ‘get to know you’ and learn more about you, your brand, your products and your services. Some folks refer to this idea as ‘slow cooker marketing’, where you are slowly warming customers to the idea of purchasing from you.  The other major advantage to the opt-in page is that it gives you the opportunity to gather the contact information for these potential customers and add it to your mailing list in order to re-market to them in the future. 

An example of a basic level opt-in page would be a newsletter subscription, offering to join your mailing list. If you include a simple mailing list opt-in on your website, I highly recommend including the option to download your current newsletter(s), so that shoppers can get an immediate taste of the value-add of your newsletters.

An example of a more advanced level opt-in page, would be sharing an extremely valuable piece of education, knowledge, or a useful tool with potential clients. Do not feel shy to offering a free glimpse at some of your most powerful knowledge (I.e. an instructional video of you giving them three tips on how to live a healthier lifestyle or a downloadable PDF booklet on three nutritional tips to lose weight). Your job is to offer something that your ideal customer would find extremely valuable in order to prove to them that you are the right person to hire for helping them with reaching their goals. The most valuable format for this opt-in share is a video of you teaching them something, with 96% of marketers concurring that videos play a pivotal role in enhancing user comprehension of their product or service. Think about it, in an instructional video, a potential customer will receive valuable information from you while also virtually meet you as a coach, hearing your voice, and experiencing your personality.

For more information on building your most powerful opt-in page, I highly recommend taking a look at this opt-in for The Business Movement and the promotional pop-up on our DIAKADI Fitness homepage. Also, check out these blog links for more information on how to build your opt in and upgrade your monthly newsletter