Find More Happiness in Your Workday by Adjusting Your Schedule

Five Steps To Achieve Your Ideal Coaching Schedule

In order to ACHIEVE your ideal schedule, you must first clearly SEE your ideal schedule. Follow these five steps to build and then fully transition your current clients in to your ideal work schedule.


  • Set aside an hour with a white board or your calendar app to build out a full week of your exact ideal business and personal life schedule. Make sure you consider and possibly include the following:

    • Clients sessions

    • Writing programs

    • Business Development and Marketing

    • Continuing Education

    • Eating Meals

    • Commuting

    • Personal Workouts, Hobbies, Meditation, etc

    • Any Other Weekly Appointments


  • Do not freak out if your ideal schedule is FAR from your current schedule. Your transition to this schedule will be one made of baby steps. Develop a series of small changes you can make one at a time to get you from current to ideal. Maybe start with choosing a half day that you can easily adjust into your ideal schedule without disrupting too many client sessions or your income. Then after a few weeks, adjust a full day into your ideal. Then eventually another full day can be adjusted and eventually your entire week will be ideal. Do not think of it as an all or nothing change. It is a process that requires patience and flexibility.


  • Based on the gradual steps above, use your calendar to create a 12 month schedule of the exact baby steps you need to take in order to successfully transfer from your current schedule to your ideal.


  • Openly communicate your vision to your clients. You may be surprised how many clients will figure out a way to be flexible in order to meet the needs of your new schedule.


  • Draw a hard line that you will do your best to only book new clients into your new ideal schedule guidelines. This is a tough but necessary rule to follow.

Throughout this transition process, be a problem solver. You will encounter many obstacles and what appear to be dead ends, but be consistently creative and you will get there, I promise.